Friday 17 April 2020

Learning Plan week 3/ Google Classroom

Please go to your child's Google Classroom to see the learning plan for Week 3.
All the assignments are posted there.

We have a new way to access the Google meeting on Tuesday.  You will be able to find the instructions on our classroom stream in Google Classroom.

Friday 10 April 2020

Learning From Home Week 2

Learning From Home – Grade 1-2
April 13-17
*Attachments will be sent on school messenger on the same day that this learning plan is posted they can also be accessed on Google Classroom.
Google Meet meeting: Wednesday, April 15th at 12:30 - 1:30.  An invitation will go to your child's educbe email account just prior to the meeting.
Here is a link to help you understand Google Meet.

If you are working on a tablet/phone you may want to download the Google meet and Google Classroom App beforehand.

Welcome to week 2 of learning from home.  This week we are beginning to transition to Google Classroom as our main hub for our learning.  As we trouble shoot any potential access issues with Google Classroom we will continue to post our learning plans here as well.  However, if you are able to access Google Classroom, please go there to see your learning activities and ways to submit your work.

You will be able to access your child's Google Classroom through their educbe email account.  The invite to join the classroom will go to this account as well.
Here are some links to help you understand this process.

Reading: Please choose your next book on Raz-Kids. Make sure that you are choosing a book at your assigned reading level.  You must read the book and if you choose to you can also listen to the book.  After you have finished the reading take the quiz you.  If you can't read some of the words in the questions, just click on the word and it will read it for you.
Please also make sure you are doing at least 15-20 minutes of reading every day. If you need some new books, please check out the Calgary Public Library for some great e-books or you can find books in the Raz-kids reading room or Level up! room.
Fresh Air Friday/Journals: Each week I will give you a writing prompt for your journal.  You can continue to write and draw in your black journal, just like we did at school.
Time: 1 hr
Here is this week’s journal prompt we thought you could combine it with a fresh air activity to do outside:
Go on a walk outside (as long as you are able) If not, look out your window and observe what you see. Tell me about your walk using our 5W’s. Where did you go? Who did you go with? When did you go? What did you see? Why did you choose this walk? Try to tell me as many details as you can so that I can imagine your walk.  
Journal expectations:
Exploring Google Classroom
Take time this week, along with a parent, to explore Google classroom.  Practice logging in and finding your assignments.  You can also practice sharing your work with me in the google doc that is there called "work for week 2". This may take you a bit of time.  If you are having trouble with anything please email me.
1 hr.
 The second assignment for our study of number patterns is attached. It is called 100’s Chart Challenge.
Time: 1.5 hrs
This week, please work on the appearance section of your animal research book. As you describe your animal’s appearance think about the features that make your animal unique and features that are important for your animal’s survival. Eg. Ear or tail shape, type of fur.  Don't forget to add height and length and weight of your animal.
HINT: Some of the ideas from this page might come from your diagram. Just remember to take those labels and turn them into full sentences.
For the picture on this page you can find one on the computer to print out and glue on. Or, you can draw a picture.  If you draw a picture remember to color it too.
Gr. 1: 3-5 sentences/facts.
Gr. 2: 5-7 sentences/facts.
Time: 1 hr.

Friday 3 April 2020

Learning From Home Grade One and Two - April 6-10

Learning From Home – Grade 1-2 
April 6-10 

Welcome to our first week of learning from home.  Each week we will post a set of activities for you to complete.  Please feel free to complete them in any order that you want and in a way that works best for you.    If you need any help or have any questions please feel free to email us. - Mrs. Hamby and Ms. Boyer

* You will receive an email through school messenger for the attachments that these may require.  Please print them off if you have a printer.

Reading: Please choose a book of your choice and at your reading level,  from Raz-Kids. After you have finished the reading and the quiz you can choose 1 of the worksheets to complete if you are able to print it out.  (30 minutes)
Please also make sure you are doing at least 15-20 minutes of reading every day. If you need some new booksplease check out the Calgary Public Library for some great e-books or you can find books in the Raz-kids reading room or Level up! room 

Journals: Each week I will give you a writing prompt for your journal.  You can continue to write and draw in your black journal, just like we did at school.  (1 hour)
Here is this week’s journal prompt:  
Tell me how your family is adjusting to our new staying safe measures. Are mom and dad working from home? What are you doing to stay busy and entertained? How are you feeling about all these changes?  

Journal expectations target: 
We are trying to be in the middle of the target!

Word Work: 
Choose a room in your house.  Create word labels for everything in that room and do your best to sound out and spell the words.  Remember that each word has at least one vowel and sound through the beginning, middle and ending of the word. Get an adult to check your words to see how close you were to the correct spelling. (45 minutes)


This week, please try to finish your animal diagram. Remember to include the animal name, and detailed labels. If your diagram is finished, you can begin looking for books, videos, or webpages that you will be able to use for your animal research next week.  Remember this should be in your blue science folder. (45 minutes)

We are going to start our new study of numbers and number patterns. The first assignment for this study is attached. It is called 100’s Chart Snakes and Ladders.   
If you don’t have a printer at home, you can get a grown up to help you make a 10 by 10 grid for your game.  (1 hour plus playing the game)

This week we were supposed to start our dance residency with DANCEPL3Y. Since we aren’t able to work with them in-person they very kindly sent along a Youtube link so you can dance along at home! Enjoy! DANCEPL3Y HERE! 

Learning Update: 
When you have completed your work, please send me an email with the following things:  
1.     Brief message letting me know how things went.  
2.     Photo of your labelled room.  
3.     Photo of your math game. 
4.     Photo of your animal diagram. 
5.     Photo of your journal entry. 

Optional Learning Activity:

Mr. O'Reilly has added some cool things for you to do!  Check it out!

As you know we have been given guidelines from Alberta Education that suggest we provide ~5 hours of schoolwork per week focused mainly on literacy and math. We will work to follow these guidelines but also hope to continue integrating some of our science and social studies work that students have already started. Each week we also hope that you will be able to determine a schedule that works best for your family.  

If you have time, we would love to hear from you. We are all figuring this out together and we want to make sure the work we are doing is working for you. How was the workload? Do you need more things to keep your child going or was it difficult to work through the activities provided? What activities were tough? What areas need more practice? Where is your child ready for more of a challenge?  We will do our best to adjust things for the weeks to come based on your feedback. 

Remember that next week is a four day work week as Friday is Good Friday and Monday is a non-instructional day, Easter Monday.  Please make sure that you take the time off to spend together and enjoy as a family.