Wednesday 27 November 2019

We are Very Busy...

Dates to Remember
-Please return the traditions notice with the questions filled in and shared together with your child.  This along with the artifact can be returned for Monday.  We will keep the artifact in a safe place while we have it here at school.

- Soft Entry will now continue daily at 8:30.  The doors will open at 8:30 and kids may come inside as they get to school.  There will be supervision inside at this time but no longer outside at 8:30.

Learning Highlights
We have started our soft entry a little earlier since the weather has become colder.
Our PJ Day was so much fun.  We even got to have a fifteen minute NAP quiet time, that stands for not a pencil.

This week we have been talking about traditions.  We have learned that many families, communities and countries have traditions.  Traditions usually happen around some type of celebration.  We have shared about family traditions, Dr. Coffin traditions and some traditions we have here in Canada.  Mrs. Hamby shared about her German Advent tradition and Mrs. Yoon shared about her Korean New Year traditions.  Today we worked in small groups of three.  In our group we had to write down as many traditions or celebrations that we could think of.  Tomorrow we will be sharing them and adding more to it.

In math we have been working on building our 3D nets.  We have to make at least 6 shapes.  Once we have four shapes colored with a pattern and put together we are allowed to begin to glue them on to a piece of cover paper.  The cover paper represents the piece of land that we are designing with our shapes.  After our shapes are put on, we can decorate it to show what the purpose of the space is.  Some of us are making parks, campgrounds, downtown Calgary and neighborhoods.  Once that is complete we have to choose 5 of our shapes and we have to fill out a chart to show that we have become shape experts.  We have to tell how many faces, edge, vertices as well as the name of each shape.  We are very excited about this and some of us are working on them in centers and choice times.

In science this week we have been talking and learning about tints and shades.  Our painting shows how we used white and black to create tints and shades of one color that we chose.

Wednesday 20 November 2019

CBC Music Challenge, Camilo and Conferences Preparation

Dates to Remember
- Student, parent , teacher conferences Thursday evening and Friday.
- No school Friday November 22nd.

Learning Highlights

This week we have been working hard to prepare for our CBC Music Challenge.  We had a rehearsal yesterday and then today we had the recording.  We could only do three takes.  At least one of those takes had to be perfect.

In the classroom, we have been working hard to finish off some of our learning projects so that we can share with you what we have been learning in class.  When you come to conferences we will be sharing our journals, our plant study along with paintings and sketches, our color study so far, as well as our math work that we have been doing.  Please make sure that you have booked a conference time because we have been working to practice our sharing with you and we are excited to show you what we have been up to.

Friday 15 November 2019

Fresh Air Friday, Rainbow Chips, ROYGBIV

Dates to Remember:
- Conferences can be booked online beginning this Saturday.
- Treat day Tuesday, hosted by Kindergarten
- Tuesday, dress rehearsal for CBC music challenge project, 1:00- 2:30
- Wednesday is the recording, 10:45- 11:45
- Next week, 20th and 21st, School conferences
- No school Friday

Learning Highlights
Today we went on a Rainbow chip hunt to find colors in nature.  We got to choose rainbow color chips out of a basket and then we had to go and hunt for the match of that same color in nature.  Even though the world looks white, gray, and varying shades of brown right now, we were very surprised to find all the colors outside around the Natureground, Whispering Woods and in the playground sun circle area.  It was so much fin!

We also learned about the color spectrum and why we have rainbows.  Ask me about ROY G Biv?
We created and painted our own ROYGBIV chart in our art journals today.

Where did all the colors go?

Wednesday 13 November 2019

Preparing for Conferences Next Week, Author Visit Tomorrow

Dates to Remember:
- Today was our last swimming day.
- Author Visit tomorrow morning, rooms 1 and 2 at 9:00 a.m.
- Healthy Hunger Lunch tomorrow.
- Fresh Air Friday this week.
- Thursday and Friday, November 21st and 22nd, Parent, student, teacher conferences.

Author visit tomorrow

Learning Highlights:
 The past two weeks we have been working very hard to complete our work for our plant study so that we can share our knowledge and work with you at conferences next week.  We have also started our unit on color in science and we have been learning about primary, secondary and tertiary colors.  we have been working on creating our own color wheel.

In math, shape and space, we are learning to build and describe 3D shapes by faces, edges, and corners.  This week we are working to build our own 3D nets.  Each net has to have a pattern on it and we have to include the name of the shape written on one of the faces.  We will be working to build nets that will become a mobile.  As part of our work we will be filling out a chart to show the number of faces, edges and corners or vertices.

This week in our writing journals we were trying to add descriptive words which we called juicy words, to make our ideas more interesting.  We were supposed to trace over our juicy words using a colored marker.  This helps us see whether or not we used any descriptive words in our writing.  The grade ones are working to use spaces between words, sounding out spelling and periods at the end of each idea.  We are also working to make sure that we use lower case letters consistently except for the beginning of sentences and for names.  The grade twos are working to add more details to their ideas as well as consistent punctuation.  We are editing after our writing is done using our editing checklist.

We are working hard to finish up some of our projects so that we can share them with you next week.

Friday 8 November 2019

Remembrance Day Ceremony and Big Buddies.

Today we had a Remembrance Day Ceremony.  We made the wreath to go in the gym.. We also put up doves as we went into the gym to create a peace sign.
Our wreath that we made.  We each made a poppy and a hand to create our wreath.

Today we met with our big buddies.  We worked to make a bookmark together so that when we go to see our big buddies we will be able to remember their name.  Food donations and coin donations can still be sent in next week, till Wednesday.

Dates to Remember
Mon. November 11th - no school
Wednesday, Nov. 13th our last day of swimming.
Thursday, November 14th is Fun lunch and Author visit to the school.

Wednesday 6 November 2019

Learning Highlights

This week in our writing an science, we have been working to complete our plant fact bubbles in our Art journals.  We have learned and added some facts about the Wild Rose.  We learned that this plant is an emblem of Alberta.  One of the facts that we really liked was that the petals taste like perfumed bubblegum.  Sounds interesting...

In math, we had a 3D Shape Hunt outside.  We found lots of spheres, cuboids, cones, cylinders and pyramids.  We are learning to describe shapes by faces, edges, names and vertices.  We also have many new shape centers.  They include building 3D shapes, using geo-boartds and shape puzzles.
We will be learning how to build 3D paper shapes called Nets.

We have also enjoyed swimming and have survived walking to and from the pool in all of our winter gear!  Next Wednesday is our last swimming day.  Big thank you to all of our swimming volunteers!

In gym this week we started using the tennis racquets, nets and balls.  Yesterday we used pompoms.

In preparation for Remembrance Day and the ceremony on Friday morning, we have been reading  and reflecting on many stories about how kids live in different parts of the world as well as talking about what it means to have Peace

Dates To Remember
 -Tomorrow will be photo retake day, Nov. 7th.

- Friday, Nov. 8th,  Remembrance Day Assembly at 10:45 in the gym.
- Monday, Nov. 11th, no school.
- Wednesday, Nov. 13th, last swimming day.
- Thursday, Nov. 14th, School author visit, Gordan MacRae and Fun Lunch.